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LÃnea nacional de prevención del suicidio: 800-273-8255 (TALK)
LÃnea de TEXTO de crisis: 741741
LÃnea de crisis para veteranos: 800-273-8255 (TALK), OPRIMA 1 O EnvÃe un mensaje de texto al 838255
Veterinarios 4 guerreros: 855-838-8255
LÃnea de crisis de Aspire: 800-560-4038
Prevail: 317-776-3472 (para vÃctimas de delitos y abusos)
Indiana 211: 211
St. Vincent Stress Center:317-338-4800
Trinity Free Clinic
The Trinity Free Clinic mission is to provide quality free medical, dental, and health services to the uninsured, underinsured, and low-income residents of Hamilton County with the assistance of a professional, dedicated staff and group of volunteers.
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